

Climate change and global warming is a global phenomenon that is affecting developing economies like Pakistan LibermannInternational takes a positive edge on this act through plantation drive not only within Libermann international premises but within the city as well to make Pakistan greener. In our premises maximum area is covered with plants & greenery. Our floor outer sheds and ground floor are covered with a green belt to absorb CO2andgenerate fresh oxygen to make the environment healthy.

Corporation Accreditation Compliance

Looking at the corporate sector, we observe systems and proper accreditations made in terms of compliance. trangotek fulfills all of those standards in order to stay compliant and updated. Compliance is…

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Green Environment

Green environment is the renewal of production processes and the establishment of environmentally-friendly operations within the manufacturing field. Essentially, it is the “greening” of manufacturing, in which workers use fewer natural resources, reduce pollution and waste, recycle and reuse materials, and moderate emissions in their processes. How is…

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Product Warranty

It is our ongoing goal to design and develop our products to accommodate and satisfy our diverse customer base and product mix. We make our products with varying degrees of durability,  comfort, and dexterity and are continuously renovating and expanding our product line. While we…

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Responding To COVID-19

During COVID-19 several manufacturers responded positively in terms of production and taking care of the employees. trangotek also made a big impact in by following proper SOPs instructed by the Government. Proper sanitation systems were made for all the employees when they entered the premises of the production unit. One meter distancing was introduced for salary collections…

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Looking at the corporate sector, we observe systems and proper accreditations made in terms of compliance. Compliance is the act of complying with the rules, regulations, or standards relevant to your business and industry. In business, compliance is essential. With a compliance program in place, you can avoid negative exposure, avoid lawsuits, improve your bottom mine and retain staff, amongst other things.

MEC DEX fulfills all of those standards in order to stay compliant and updated.

In this concern, trangotek has the following certificates;

ISO 14001
ISO 9001

Plantation Drive 

Climate Change is a global phenomenon that is affecting developing economies like Pakistan. Libermann International take a positive edge on this act through planation drive not only within Libermann international premises  but within the city as well to make Pakistan greener. In our premises maximum area is covered with plants & greenery. Our floor outer sheds and ground floor cover with green belt to absorb CO2  and generate fresh oxygen to make environment healthy.

Bio-Degradable Packing

We are using, a range of packaging made from recycled content, along with an expanding range of content made from renewable materials. Libermann International is also using Bio-gradable Packaging, the additive – named TDPA (Totally Degradable Plastic Additives) is used to manage the lifetime of polythene products so that, once their useful shelf life has passed, they will first degrade and then biodegrade into the environment.

Migration from Paper to Digital (Digital Transformation)

Libermann International is in a face of digitizing its office environment. Nizam Sons (Pvt) Ltd has adopted the world’s best cloud-based ERP system oracle net suite to reduce the use of paper and shift to digital workflow processes. By using less paper, degradation of natural resources like forests and water will be depleted and the effect of global warming will be minimized further, with less paper printing, releasing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions into the air from using solvents in printing are drastically reduced.

Renewable Source of Energy (Solar/Green Energy)

Libermann International devised a plan to install On Grid Solar Powered Inverter systems in different areas of Organization and by the end of the year 2023 our 100 % factory load will be shifted on green energy.

Electrical Energy Conservation

For conserving Electrical Energy, we have set clear goals for minimizing utilization and maximizing efficiency. We got lead auditor training for implementation of ISO 50001:2018, Energy Management System in an organization and our key goal for 2022 is to get ISO 50001 certification for our premises. We have taken a number of initiatives to reduce energy consumption which include; Replacement of conventional lights with LED’s, installation of servomotors and VFT’S/Invertors, Accurate load distribution through standardized layouts, segments for stitching machines for phase balancing, and regular tracking and monitoring.

Emission Control and Carbon Foot Prints

We are continuously monitoring the emissions generated by the organization’s activities and operations. Our main objective is to reduce carbon emissions by 10 % by the year 2023. Further, we are also working on NET Zero, to ensure that emissions produced from operations are equal to emissions reduced.

Water Conservation

Libermann International is committed to the conservation of all resources of our planet including Oxygen water and fossil fuels. We regularly monitor the amount of Water consumption in different activities of the organization. We have installed water flowmeters to measure the regular usage of water in different areas. Our air coolers and storage tanks are operated by automatic float valves. Our drinkable water is filtered with standard Quality filters and is operated by Push- Tap mechanism. We will reduce the 20% water consumption by the year 2023.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Product Warranty

Our Commitment To You

It is our ongoing goal to design and develop our products to accommodate and satisfy our diverse customer base and product mix. We make our products with varying degrees of durability,  comfort, and dexterity and are continuously renovating and expanding our product line. While we take every measure to ensure that all our products are as perfect as possible, imperfections remain always there for a continuous improvement cycle. We apologize if you are the recipient of a problem product, and hope that our Warranty will be helpful to you.

Material and construction defects are covered by our Warranty. In most cases, our products are made with natural materials which are sewn by hand, so occasional defects are inevitable.

Thank you for your interest in the products and services provided by trangotek. This Limited Warranty applies only to product Gloves purchased from trangotek through its authorized distributors. This Warranty extends only to the original first buyers and a claim will be entertained only valid with the original receipt of purchases (only or each successive buyer within the specified warranty period).



What does this limited warranty cover?

This Limited Warranty covers any defects in material or workmanship during the Warranty Period. During the Warranty Period, trangotek will be liable to repair or replace the product at no charge free of cost if the product or parts of the product proves defective because of improper material or workmanship. Please note that these limited defects do not
include warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, improper care, negligence, normal wear & tear, or the natural breakdown of materials over extended time and use.



What will we do to correct problems?

trangotek will either repair the Product at no charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts, or give a new product as a replacement.



Limitation of Damages:

Laws of some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations will be subject to those laws. To the extent permitted by law:

(a) this warranty is instead of all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
(b) all other implied warranties and any liability not based upon contract are hereby disclaimed and excluded.
(c) in no event shall trangotek be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential, general or special damages, regardless of whether a claim for such damages is based on warranty, contract, negligence, or otherwise, nor shall trangotek liability to the purchaser for damages exceed the purchase price of the product in respect of which damages are claimed.



How long does the coverage last?

The Warranty Period for Gloves purchased from trangotek is 30 days from the date of purchase or the minimum period allowed by the law of the country the state. trangotek will be liable to agree to process warranty claims from its customers (or end-users as applicable) to determine if claims fall within the specified warranty period and conditions.



Warranty Exclusion?

This Limited Warranty does not cover any problem that is caused by misuse, lack of care, malfunctions, or damage not resulting from defects in material or workmanship or corrective work necessitated by repairs made by anyone other than authorized trangotek dealers.



What do you have to do?

To obtain warranty service, you must first contact trangotek Authorized Dealers to determine the problem, such that you get the most appropriate solution.


During COVID-19 several manufacturers responded positively in terms of production and taking care of the employees. trangotek also made a big impact by following proper SOPs instructed by the Government. Proper sanitation systems were made for all the employees when they entered the premises of the production unit. One meter distancing was introduced for salary collections.

The most important of all the SOPs was to wear a mask and keep the hands sanitized. This initiative helped everyone to fight covid-19 and make a decent amount of money for themselves and their families.


Corporate Social responsibility to overcome the COVID-19 outbreak and workplace safety and health.

Nizam sons being the leading and prestigious workwear garments and gloves manufacturer is always strived to protect the workplace and workers from hazardous conditions and the environment being a world-class PPE (Personnel protective equipment) manufacturer we have adapted necessary working conditions to limit the risk of transmission of COVID-19. The coronavirus has now spread to nearly every country in the world and claimed thousands of lives, so any organization needs to keep up, balancing their business needs while also contributing to the widespread efforts to reduce the outbreak’s impact.

Here are five actions that Nizamsons/Libermann has taken as per guidelines of world health organizations and local public health authorities to contain the COVID-19 outbreak and minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in our workplace and help limit the spread;


  1. Keep our Employees safe

We have installed hand sanitizer dispensers and hand wash stations to encourage all workers to frequently wash their hands for at least 20 sec and to practice good hygiene

  • we are ensuring social /physical distancing by keeping a distance of at least 1 meter or 3 ft between people all the time.
  • we have installed a disinfected unit at the entrance and ensured that all the workers including management are passing through this gate.
  • we are making sure our workplace is regularly cleaned and disinfected.


  1. keeping following local legal and regulatory bodies SOP

We all are following and abiding by all the rules and regulations of local govt bodies and recommended by WHO.


  1. Monitoring the health condition of Each employee

we have trained staff and doctors who are continuously monitoring the health status of our employees and ensuring that workers who have COVID -19 symptoms (Fever, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath) do not come to work if they are unwell.


  1. Training /awareness and communication Management

We have certified occupational health and safety staff who are engaging, training, and guiding the employees on the risks of COVID-19 and the measures that are necessary to stop this spread in our facility. We have signs and posters displayed around the workplace to remind workers to adopt control measures.


  1. Task force for Action and surveillance monitoring 

To keep workers safe and limit the spread of COVID -19 we have established a well-trained task force to contain the spread of COVID-19 which consists of professional engineers, certified compliance officers, qualified doctors, and well-trained administrative and janitorial staff. This task force is continually assessing and implementing SOPs and instructions.

We have adopted all practices and SOPs for dispersion of salaries at the first stage recently, now we are looking forward to the ministry of industries and Sialkot chamber of commerce and other regular bodies Pakistan Gloves Manufacturer & Exporter Association, Pakistan Sports goods Manufacturer & Exporter Association to allow us for partial continuity of our production operations by keeping intact all the precautionary measures to support current economic condition.

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