Accredited Lab – FTL
Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) accredited First Testing Laboratory (FTL) has been established by the company’s management to improve the quality of products through testing using International standard methods, national standard methods and laboratory developed methods. Currently, The FTL is housed in the premises of the company building and carries out testing activities relating to company’s textile and leather/synthetic leather products for assuring their quality to meet the requirements of customers/buyers. Company certified their products according to Cat I, Cat II and Cat Ill categories of CE marking for its gloves andwork-wear garments. Company is committed to abide by legal and regulatory requirements with an aim to enhance customer satisfaction through effective application of efficient Quality Management System (QMS) including appropriate testing system in FTL Laboratory
Quality Management System
Quality Control
We are ISO 9001:2015 certified organization and have a process to ensure the products and services are in accordance with the customer requirements.
Quality Assurance
We have a dedicated team to provide confidence that the products and services meet the requirements from customer.
Process Control
Each process is documented to ensure the process is accurate and reliable by monitoring and managing the implementation of controls.

Process Control Plans
Process control plans are designed by a cross-functional team that has a conception of the process being controlled or progressed based on a process flow diagram and failure mode effect analysis to validate the process.
Lean Six Sigma
We always believe in data driven and fact-based approach to eliminate defects in products along with waste reduction to improve performance and customer satisfaction.
Quality Circles
Our management and employees equally participate to improve the quality of entire organization that increase their interest and devotion in the work they do.
We strive towards continual improvement of our processes, quality and business by following Toyota Production System
Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management
Organization create value for its stakeholders (Employees, Customer, Owners, Supplier and overall society) by developing strategies based on risks and their mitigation to protect the enterprise business
Process Risk Management
Each process is assessed and evaluated to mitigate any associated risk before execution.
Product Risk Management
Our dedicated sampling team mitigate all associated risk with product and communicate to production and quality teams about the steps taken to control those risks in production.

ISO/ICE 17025:2017 accredited Lab
FTL is a globally recognized ISO/IEC 17025 accredited testing facility being operated in Sialkot, Pakistan.
Competent & authorized staff
FTL has a competent & authorized staff team of 6 members.
Results Validation & Proficiency Testing
Results validity is ensured through proficiency testing in its state-of-the-art laboratory.
Product Warranty
Shelf life of each material
For each synthetic material. we store the materials in appropriate conditions, tag each material with the shelf life tag. Must follow FIFO for issuance of material and ensure it by testing before utilization for production.
Complaint Resolution
Each customer complaint is analyzed through root cause analyses and then resolved by taking Corrective and Preventive actions.